Brazil Gold Jewelry Bangles And Bracelet 84

 Brazil Gold Jewelry Bangles And Bracelet.
 By Samina Aamir

Brazil gold jewelry bangles history One of the groups located in the rain forest region is known as the Yoruba. Their religion has many spirits, more commonly known as orishas. Because of these beliefs, many ornaments are worn and designed according to the wearers group and can protect against evil spirits. The Yoruba still believe that the buried ancient glass beads that belonged to chiefs and kings in the region are growing like plants on the ground and are worth their weight in gold. This prompted the blacksmiths in the fourteenth century to make their own beads from clay and even today, fine replicas have been made from this material.

The West African Savannah stretches from the Atlantic coast of the Senegal to lake Chad in central Africa and separates the Sahara Desert from the equatorial rain forest belt. Here is found the bush scrub and grass plains which is the home of farmers and herders. The land is much drier and infertile but is in the heart of the trade routes linked with north and west Africa. Gold is a commodity and is lavished on the gilded courts and riches of royalty. The Dogon of Mali are found here, high up in the Bandiagara Escarpment, which are a row of cliffs that stretch one hundred twenty five miles from northeast to southwest, parallel to the Niger River. Some of the cliffs are two thousand feet high. The cliffs are separated by narrow 

gorges. They live high up o the cliffs to protect themselves from attacks from other groups. Most of the Dogon people are farmers and living on the cliffs, they do not have a permanent resource for water. The Dogon tradition is presented as a network of man-made objects and beliefs that are linked to the powers of myth. Necklaces are made of iron and copper alloy. The jewelry is simple and each piece holds a special significance to real and mystical ancestors. For instance, the dugo necklace is made up of a series of rings and spirals, each having a connection to the identity of the wearer, family and
group. It is made up of different elements from the earth, keeping close to the spirits. Most of the jewelry from this area is worn because of their religious beliefs.
