Brunei Darussalam Gold Jewelry Bangles And Bracelet 85

Brunei Darussalam Gold Jewelry Bangles And Bracelet.
By Farzana Aamir.

The Brunei Darussalam gold jewelry bangles history Sahara Desert is the largest desert in the world. It is infertile, covered with gravel plains and plateaus of sandstone and has dry river beds. At night the temperature can drop to below freezing and during the day the horizon shimmers in the heat.

This is the home of the descendants of the Berbers, the Tuareg and the Moors. These are just two of the many groups that live in the Sahara. The jewelry of these two groups reflect the way in which their lives evolved. The Tuareg are fiercely independent, maintaining their Berber ways and characteristic bold and simplistic designs. The design of their jewelry is geometric, largely formed and symmetrical.

One piece in particular, the Tuareg Cross, which was passed down from father to son when the boy reached puberty, is made up of silver and represents the four corners of the world because one does not know where one will die and it is important to be wearing this cross when one dies. The Tuareg prefer to wear silver because it is the metal of the prophet. They use their jewelry for trade in exchange for food and cloth and rings pass between men and women as a sign of affection.
