Burundi Gold Jewelry Diamond Wedding Fashion Bangles And Bracelet 89

Burundi Gold Jewelry Diamond Wedding Fashion  Bangles And Bracelet.
By Samina Aamir. 

Burundi gold jewelry bangles Different kinds of metals rank high on the priority list of various groups. Gold is considered bad luck or �work of the devil�, among the desert people so silver is the only metal worn. Glass and shells are valued for their association with protection and fertility and are worn by slaves and used as hair ornaments by Moorish women. As for the people of the Savannah region, gold is used most lavishly and hair sculpture is a sign of a woman�s status and reflects the different stages in her life. Her hair is greased with butter and decorated with glass beads and metals. One of the most precious 

materials that is used in the equatorial region is ivory. This is held to be very sacred. Only kings were allowed to wear ivory in earlier days of the settlers. Now, tradition still holds that only people of importance wear ivory. gold jewelry bangles history There are many similarities and differences that come from the three regions I am discussing in my unit. For many, religion plays a huge part in group tradition. For instance, many groups wear jewelry to prevent harm from coming to them or their families. Jewelry is also handed down from mother to daughter as part of a girls dowry. Bartering jewelry is another similarity that is used by many groups for the exchange of cloth, glass beads and food. So many groups believe in the evil spirit and protect themselves by wearing pendants and amulets.
