French Guiana Bridal Wedding Fashion 2014 Bangles Bracelet Collection 141

French Guiana Bridal Wedding Fashion 2014 Bangles Bracelet Collection. 
By Samina Aamir 

out the types they would accept. They valued the Manillas by the sound they made when struck and used them as the dominant form of currency for many things including everyday market purchases, bride price and burials. The main purpose of the manilla – the trading and purchase of slaves- fostered a system where the incoming voyage of Europeans took manillas to West Africa to obtain slaves, who were then taken to the Americas to live a life of bondage. The price of a slave valued in manillas varied depending on the time, place and type being offered.anill

 ed with flared ends. Africans from each region had names for each va

Mas are typically horse-shapriety of manila and were very particular ab
