Iceland Wedding Bangles And Bracelet Collection 143

 Iceland Wedding Bangles And Bracelet Collection.
 By Samina Aamir 

The History of Bangles/Bracelets

I used to love wearing bangles/bracelets. Still do as a matter of fact. But I got to know something about bangles which slightly put me off wearing them for quite a while. It’s quite an interesting fact, which I’ve heard more than once (hence proving it to be more or less true) and one which took me completely by surprise. I’d learnt as I grew up that married women were supposed to necessarily wear bangles in my community and I guessed it was just one of those beliefs. Seldom do we come across actual explanations to why certain rituals or rites are carried out. True, not all the explanations are nice and sweet. But at least I know why I’m supposed to follow them. I’m thankful that I’m studying sociology and it actually explains hitherto unexplained, blindly followed acts.
